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时间:2024-11-21来源:未知 点击:


  Praise is a powerful tool but many parents have misconceptions about its effects and functions.
  Praise can encourage motivation and confidence, but a surprising number of people think it' s the cause of jealousy, laziness and resentment. What are the most common assumptions about praise?
  “There's no need to say anything. ”
  If things are going well, you may think there' s no need to say anything. This attitude can be summed up as “if I don' t say anything, then everything' s OK”. What this really means is “ I' ll only say something when there is something to criticize”.
  “If I say ‘well done’, they'll stop trying. ”
  Do you think that if you compliment your children they'll slack off? If we are praised for a job well done, it generally encourages us to do better, not worse. The disappointment we feel when good work is not recognized gives rise to the feeling “Why do I bother if nobody notices?”
  “If I praise one, the others will be jealous. ”
  If you are honest and fair in your praise and recognize the special talents of each child, they won't resent the praise given to their siblings. Each will feel valued for the unique individuals that they are. Children who feel good about themselves are usually generous with their praise for other people. Never use praise for one as a way of implicitly(含蓄地) criticizing another. For example, “you're always so cheerful....” with its implied message “...unlike your moody brother”.
  “What if there's nothing to praise?”
  There is always something to praise. You have to catch your child doing something right. Have a positive attitude to the things he does and remember the praise must be genuine. Your child will quickly sense when you are lying.
  1. Many parents have misunderstandings about_________ . 
  A.how powerful praise is
  B.what praise is 
  C.what praise does and how it works
  D.how to give genuine praise to their children


  【精析】 C 根据第一段“Praise is??many parents have misconceptions about its effects and functions. ” 可知,很多父母对表扬的效果和作用有误解。C 项中的 what praise does 和 how it works 分别与第一段中的 effects 和 functions 相照应。故选 C。


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